Vacation Care FAQ

Enrolling is easy. Simply complete our enrolment form paperwork and follow all procedures as listed on such.  

We take illness and accidents very seriously. When a major accident occurs, a staff member qualified in First Aid will:

  • Assess the injury, then attend to the child and apply First Aid.
  • Check who ever may have come across the injured child’s blood or bodily fluids. These people will then be required to wash any contaminated areas in soapy warm water.
  • Contact the parent/guardian. If we cannot reach them, we will notify them at the time of collection.
  • Write a fully detailed accident report which includes the parent/guardian's signature.
  • Follow up with our duty of care and monitor the child until they are collected by their parent/guardian. 

Parents must sign a Medication Authorization Form, which includes the child’s name, type of medication, dosage and time to be taken, if we are to administer medication. After the medication has been consumed, this form will be signed by witnessing staff members, followed by a parent/guardian signature upon collection. No child will ever be administered medication without these forms and details.

Should we ever have to implement behaviour management we will always respect the child’s rights and self-esteem. Staff within programs will provide a fair and consistent approach, with an emphasis on positive guidance. We encourage all children to behave appropriately and maturely to their individual stage of development.

We value the input and evaluation from all parents/guardians and children involved in Vacation Care. Throughout the program, we will provide:

  • Parents direct communication and feedback to the program coordinator and Vacation Care management.
  • Evaluation surveys sent via email to families who use the program.
  • Evaluation surveys available to all children who use the program.


We treat bullying very seriously and do not accept it whatsoever. We work very closely with the school to remove any unacceptable behaviour. Bullying may fall under the categories of verbal (psychological) or non-verbal (physical).

All students have the right to be free from bullying and feel safe in the OSHC. Permanent exclusion from the program may result, should a child persistently bully.

We have a responsibility to all children in the program to take their duty of care utmost seriously. Management will ensure that staff are aware of all responsibilities and have clear directions when reporting to authorities. For further information please view our policies and procedures.

In situations where custody orders exist, details must be provided in the form of court order paperwork. We require details of who has access to the child enrolled for safety purposes. For more details, please view our policies and procedures at the sign in/out table.

Everyone involved in the Vacation service hold the right to make a grievance order should they feel they have been treated unfairly. The team at Scallywaggs Kindergarten are expected to make every effort to achieve a resolution in a confidential manner.

The team at Scallywaggs Kindergarten manages its program in whole accordance to all relevant licensing guidelines in New South Wales. We are continually expanding on the quality of our programs through the direction of official organizations and legislations.

We use enrolment forms to collect personal data for the purpose of service enrolment. This information is used by administrators for operational purposes only. Your information will not be disclosed to any other party except when required by law.

Please to feel free to discuss with us any issues or concerns that you may have with the staff at Scallywaggs Kindergarten.

We firmly believe that highly experienced, qualified and dedicated staff is the key to our OSHC programs. At all times we comply with regulations when appointing staff to children ratios.

  • All staff have appropriate training and qualifications as required by law. This includes Working with Children Checks, anaphylaxis training, first aid level 2 and food and safety training.